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I would like to wish all of our families a safe and restful March break. Please see the letter below with updates for our return to school on Monday, March 17th, 2025.
We have many activities taking place next week such as Shrove Tuesday, our Ash Wednesday Liturgy, and more. Please see the newsletter below for details.
Please see the letter below for information on our upcoming week together at St. Padre Pio, which includes details on our Carnaval. Please note that there are no ‘Just Catering’ hot lunch orders this week. Also, St. Padre Pio has been designated as a polling station for next week’s Provincial Election. Details on these items have also been shared in the letter below.
... Continue reading "St. Padre Pio Parent Communication: Week of Feb. 24th, 2025"
Please note that this Monday, February 17th is Family Day and our school is closed. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025. Tuesday is also the last day to place your orders for our Krispy Kreme Fundraiser! Prizes will be going to our top sellers and top selling class so get your orders in! ... Continue reading "St. Padre Pio Parent Communication: Week of Feb. 17th, 2025"
We have many exciting events and activities coming up over the next few weeks at St. Padre Pio. Please see the letter below for details.
As a Catholic community, we are united in faith and prayer, especially in times of need. Frank Cardinal Leo, Archbishop of Toronto, has asked the faithful to join him in prayer for Pope Francis, who has been hospitalized at Gemelli Hospital in Rome since February 14, 2025. His Holiness is currently suffering from pneumonia and mild kidney failure.
You can
... Continue reading "Join Us in Prayer for Pope Francis"Dear York Catholic District School Board Families,
The Weather Network forecasts that the temperature tomorrow morning will be -20 degrees Celsius, with wind chills approaching -30 degrees Celsius. York Region Public Health has issued an Extreme Cold Weather Warning, which is expected to remain in effect until Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
Student transportation will be running
... Continue reading "Extreme Cold Weather Tomorrow"