Category: General

Welcome Back

Welcome to the blessings of a new school year! We are so excited to commence another school year which promises to inspire all of our students to develop their God given talents through dynamic, differentiated and authentic learning experiences. At St. Padre Pio Catholic School we will enthusiastically continue to foster the partnership between staff, parents and parish. Mr. D’Agostini, our new vice-principal and myself, ... Continue reading "Welcome Back"

Catholic Education Week

During the week of May 1st to May 5th we celebrate Catholic Education Week.   The theme of this week is “Walking Forward Together with Creation”.  On Wednesday May 3rd and Thursday May 4th students will be performing “The Maple Leaf Forever” production.  Performances will be at 1:00pm and 7:00pm on both evenings.  Tickets are required.

St.Padre Pio will also be hosting our Book ... Continue reading "Catholic Education Week"

Coding and Computer Courses

Creative Coding and Creative Computing classes are being offered at St. Padre Pio Mondays and Thursdays during the months of February to March. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to develop their computing skills. Courses are held after school and are $100 each. Flyers have gone home with students. Please call the office for further information.