Category: General

Black History Month

HOZA! Leaders in Learning were welcomed by the staff and students from St. Padre Pio CES. Students enjoyed a great morning listening to stories, experiences, and accomplishments of people of African origin.  The HOZA group was highly entertaining through live music, dance, and multimedia student participation.


Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration began January 6, 2020 Parents may register their children during regular school hours or online at To register, you will need:

Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (child or parent)-Proof of age:

Proof of legal status in Canada

-Proof of Residency

-Proof of English Separate School Support

(i.e. property tax bill or completed school ... Continue reading "Kindergarten Registration"

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

On behalf of the staff at St. Padre Pio school we’d like to wish  all families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Thank you for all that you do for our community and may the light of Christ be with you all.  God Bless.