Welcome Back

Welcome to the blessings of a new school year!
We are so excited to commence another school year which promises to inspire all of our students to develop their God given talents through dynamic, differentiated and authentic learning experiences. At St. Padre Pio Catholic School we will enthusiastically continue to foster the partnership between staff, parents and parish. Mr. D’Agostini, our new vice-principal and myself, would like to welcome back our returning families and staff, as well as extend a warm welcome to our new families, students and staff.

It is with gratitude that we recognize the efforts of the 2017- 2018 Catholic School Council, who amongst many initiatives, ensured that three new refillable water fountains have been installed over the summer throughout the school. Students and staff are greatly encouraged to bring their reusable water bottles to school as we support the health of our planet. During the upcoming months, I encourage you to regularly visit our school website at http://spp.ycdsb.ca/ as well as follow us on Twitter: @spp_ycdsb, for updates and notices of important events. Kindly note that this will be the only newsletter that we will send home this year and that families will be emailed the newsletter each month as well as posting it on the school’s website. Kindly ensure that you include your main email on the Emergency Information Form. If you do not have internet access, kindly contact me directly to make alternative arrangements.

On behalf of the staff and myself, we wish you a great start to a wonderful new school year!


A. Lomuto-Correiro