Regional Arts Program Open House
St. Elizabeth Catholic High School is hosting an open house on Wednesday September 25th from 6:00...
September 2019 Newsletter
The September Newsletter has been posted! Please take the time to read through it as...
Sirius Stars: Coding, Literacy and Numeracy Camp
Hi Parent(s)/Guardians, Please see attached flyer regarding a summer camp opportunity for your child(ren). All...
Bike to School Week @ SPP
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), We will be celebrating cycling and active transportation here at St. Padre Pio...
Scholastic Book Fair Ad and Schedule
SPP Scholastic Book Fair Ad...
TVO Mathify: An Interactive Math Tutor
Please see attached document: TVO Mathify...
Homework Helper Program
Hi SPP Parent(s)/Guardian(s), The Continuing Education Department offers a non-credit literacy and numeracy evening program called “Homework Helper“. ...
Active School Travel
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), Welcome back! For January, we have some tips for how to get outside...
Rose of Sharon Drive @ SPP
Dear Parents/Guardians, Our Student Leadership Committee is striving to help young families within our greater...