New Kiss and Ride Procedures
If your child must be driven to school, here are the guidelines we would like everyone to abide by.
Please do not park in the school parking lot as there are only parking spaces for staff available
New!!! Important Changes!!!!
- Enter the new Kiss and Ride lane which is now along the entire curb from the daycare to the primary yard before allowing your child to get out of the car.
- Students must independently exit from the right hand side of the car (closest to the school) and parents should remain in the car. Parents may then enter the “drive thru” (left lane) to exit the parking lot.
- All student belongings (eg. Knapsack) need to be inside the car for easy access and quick exit.
- Drivers are asked to remain in their vehicles throughout the process.
- Parents who prefer to walk their children to their designated yards are asked to park on the street and walk onto the school grounds.
Our best advice is to leave home early and walk if possible! Thank you!